“Until you make the unconscious conscious,
it will direct your life
and you will call it fate.”

C.G Jung

Hi I’m Gary. Director of Educe Learning. 
For the past 35 years I have worked in the field of organisational and people development, I have witnessed many great examples of extraordinary leadership and management impacting on high performance, effectiveness and ultimate success. 

I realise how fortunate I am working in partnership with like minded people, applying best practice and current thinking across a range of organisation types and sectors, recognising that every piece of work has to ‘fit’ with the need which always presents exciting challenge and opportunity.

I’m here to help you and your organisation to grow and develop

Learning and development by intellect or theory alone never fully nourishes the soul, learning from others around you can help you to achieve so much more than you could alone. If you think you, your team or your organisation would benefit by working with an Educe coach/facilitator than please be in touch, we love talking and sharing about all things that help people and organisations to improve as it’s what people do every day that makes the difference — look forward to hearing from you.

“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change”
Albert Einstein


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